Can You Power Wash in the Rain?

pressure washing Fairfield, CT

Can you conduct power washing in the rain? Considering how quickly showers can come on, it’s an interesting topic. We at Castle Window Cleaning & Power Washing believe light rain can be useful during the cleaning process. Read on to learn why.

Fewer Soap Rings

In the heat of a summer’s day, any water you pour onto exterior surfaces evaporates quickly. Therefore,  roof cleaning services like to work during a light drizzle because the rain slows the evaporation rate.

The Castle Window Cleaning & Power Washing team can work in conditions ranging from blazing sun to light rain. However, power washing is easier in the rain. The rain prevents the soap bubbles from drying out and leaving marks. During a sunny day, this means our team can skip the extra round of rinsing.

Better Visibility

Driving on a very sunny day can be challenging due to the intense glare. The same is true during power washing projects, making it harder to evaluate the quality of work. The sunlight leaves harsh shadows and a glare that makes it challenging to check the surface’s condition.

Our team overcomes this challenge by working carefully and rinsing more often to ensure customer satisfaction. However, on days when it is overcast or raining lightly, this issue doesn’t apply.

What Weather is Unsuitable for Power Washing?

Now that you know about how light rain can enhance our services, let’s look at unfavorable weather conditions. In the following instances, we have no choice but to reschedule as soon as possible:

  • Heavy rain washes away the soap before it can soak into the surface, so we cannot work. 
  • When there is thunder and lightning within the last half an hour, the danger of lightning strikes is too dangerous. 
  • Extreme weather like a tornado, snow, or hail can put our team at risk. 

If our team arrives during this type of weather, we will wait in our truck for a little while. If we see signs that the weather will let up quickly, we will wait it out. If not, we will reschedule.

Our goal is to deliver the best possible service while also ensuring our team’s safety. In extreme weather, we cannot ensure that our team or your property is safe, so we prefer to reschedule.

Safely Working in the Rain

The Castle Window Cleaning & Power Washing team has thousands of hours of experience working in all weather conditions. We have protocols to follow for all weather types and the appropriate safety equipment. Therefore, our team can safely work in most weather types.

Whether it’s freezing outside or a scorching summer day, we can effectively clean your property. We make slight adjustments to our protocols so that you get the outstanding service you expect.

Contact Castle Window Cleaning & Power Washing at (203) 428-7019 to instantly improve curb appeal in rain or sunshine. Call us for your free estimate on our power washing services today!

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